Increased fees for registration and other services provided by the Serbian Business Registers Agency

On 9 September 2022 the Serbian Business Registers Agency (“SBRA“) adopted a Decision on Fees for Registration and Other Services Provided by SBRA (“Decision“).

According to this Decision, the current fees for SBRA services are increased and the Decision is in force from 1 January 2023.

In the following text are presented some of the most common services provided by SBRA, as well as the amounts of fees that must be paid for these services.

  1. The Business Entities Register – Companies

The Decision increased the fee for incorporation of a company, branch office and representative office of a foreign legal entity, endowment, foundation, and for their incorporation now it is necessary to pay a fee in the amount of RSD 6,500.00. Unlike branch office of a foreign legal entity, the fee for incorporation of a branch office of domestic company is RSD 3,100.00.

The fee for incorporation of an entrepreneur is RSD 1,600.00, while the fee for registration of changing data on a registered entrepreneur is RSD 850.00, and if more changes are requested in the registration application, the fee is increased by an additional RSD 450.00 per change.

We note that the Decision prescribes the payment of lower amounts of fees for the same services provided by the SBRA, if the application is submitted electronically, but currently only electronic application for the incorporation of single-shareholder and multi-shareholder limited liability companies can be submitted to the Business Entities Register (for which fee is RSD 5,900.00).

Regarding the fee for registration of changes in data of business entities registered in the Business Entities Register of the SBRA the fee is now RSD 3,100.00.

New fee for deregistration of a company is RSD 3,300.00 and for issuing a copy of the register’s decision or an excerpt of registered data on a business entity, the fee is RSD 1,900.00.

  • The Register of Pledges on Movable Property and Rights

Fees have also been increased in proceedings before the Register of Pledges on Movable Property and Rights and now depending on the amount of the main claim/contracted price, fees are:

  • for up to EUR 10,000.00, RSD 2,200.00 if the application is submitted in paper form and RSD 2,000.00 if the application is electronic;
  • over EUR 10,000.00 to 200,000.00, RSD 5,500.00 if the application is submitted in paper form and RSD 5,000.00 if the application is electronic;
  • over EUR 200,000.00, RSD 11,000.00, if the application is submitted in paper form and RSD 10,000.00 if the application is electronic.

However, if registration of data is requested for a larger number of subjects, i.e. a larger number of movable objects, for each subsequent subject, i.e. each subsequent movable object, the amount of the fee is increased by RSD 220.00 if the application is submitted in paper form and RSD 200.00 if the application is electronic.

The fee for registration of changes and/or additions to registered data as well as for the registration of the annotation is RSD 2,200.00 and for deleting a registered pledge and a registered annotation is RSD 1,100.00.

For the issuance of an excerpt containing all data on the registered right of pledge, sale agreement, financial leasing agreement, agricultural production financing agreement or temporary measure, according to the situation at the time of issuance of the statement, in paper form the fee is RSD 1,900.00.

  • The Central Register of Integrated Procedures

The Decision also increases the fees for registration in the Central Register of Integrated Procedures of the SBRA, so for issuing and changing location conditions, depending on the category of facilities, the fee is from RSD 1,000.00 to 2,000.00. The situation is similar when issuing or changing a building permit, so depending on the category of buildings, a fee is from RSD 3,000.00 to 5,000.00, whereby the amount of RSD 3,000.00 is prescribed for classes of objects from categories “A” and “B”, while the amount of RSD 5,000.00 is prescribed for classes of objects from categories “V” and “G”.

Fee of RSD 2,000.00 must be paid for issuing and changing a temporary building permit.

For the issuance of use permit, for classes of objects from categories “A” and “B” fee is now RSD 1,000.00, while for classes of objects from categories “V” and “G” the fee is RSD 2,000.00.

For the notice of commencement of works, notice of the completion of the construction of the foundation, notice of the completion of the object in the constructive sense and other requests that initiate the procedure within the framework of the integrated procedure, fee is now RSD 500,00.

Additionally to the fees for the above-mentioned services other fees for SBRA services have also been increased. However, in the coming period, it can be expected the possibility to submit electronic applications for additional SBRA services (except founding limited liability company) for which the Decision prescribes a lower fee, unlike the case when applications are submitted directly, i.e. in paper form.