The new Rulebook on Content and Manner of Keeping Inspection Book, Construction Log and Measurement Book (“Official Gazette of RS”, no. 96/2023), which entered into force on 3 November 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the “Rulebook”) introduces fundamental changes in the manner of recording data in the mentioned documents in relation to the previously valid regulative.
The Rulebook introduces the obligation for the responsible contractor to certify the data entered in the Inspection Book and the Construction Log with his electronic signature, and the data entry itself is done electronically.
Apart from the electronic signature of the responsible contractor, the Construction Log pages must be confirmed daily with the electronic signatures of the expert supervision and if applicable, the person who performs conservation and architect supervision.
Instead of the previous obligation of the competent inspector to enter data in the Inspection Book after the inspection on the determined condition, other observations related to the execution of works and ordered measures, which the responsible contractor signs, now this is the responsibility of the responsible contractor. In the Inspection Book, responsible contractor enters data on inspections, self-checks and advisory visits, along with accompanying documentation, while the competent inspector enters only the date of the inspection.
The Rulebook regulates in more detail the keeping of a Construction Log for buildings that are spatially separated or represent an independent functional unit and require a specific organization of construction, and for these buildings it is possible to keep a Construction Log in parts, namely:
by technical and/or functional units inside or outside the building site;
by types of works, that is, for the execution of certain works;
per contractor or subcontractor.
These parts of the Log become an integral part of the main Construction Log, and the opening of these parts is approved by expert supervision.
Apart from the responsible contractor, the engineer and the construction site manager are now authorized to enter the relevant data in the Construction Log, but with the approval of the responsible contractor. The Rulebook clearly defines what data should be entered on the first and second pages of the Construction Log, including information on compliance and deviations from building conditions.
The Rulebook stipulates the obligation to keep a Construction Log, Inspection Book and Measurement Book in electronic form in PDF format through a digital platform that has not yet been established. The Rulebook also sets a deadline of 1 June 2024 for the establishment of a digital platform.
For Construction Logs and Inspection Books started before the entry into force of the Rulebook, it is not necessary to keep them in electronic form, but according to earlier regulations. Also, for registered works from 1 January 2024 until the establishment of the digital platform, the use of transitional programs such as Excel and Word are allowed.
Obligation of keeping digital Measurement Book, Construction Log and Inspection Book
- December 28, 2023
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