Our colleague participating in school in Toulouse on the topic of Legal Sanctions in national and European Labor Law

Our colleague Lidija Marković had the pleasure to participate in the Blended Intensive Program – BIP on the topic of “Remedies and Sanctions in National and European Labor Law” held from 9 to 13 July in Toulouse.

As a member of the delegation of the University of Belgrade, Lidija had the opportunity to exchange valuable knowledge with more than 30 colleagues from the University of Toulouse, the University of Udine and the University of Rijeka.

This specially designed school on legal sanctions included the research of legal sanctions in the field of discrimination at work, protection of health and safety at work and termination of employment contracts. BIP had a particular focus on reviewing the decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Committee of Social Rights.

BIP ended with a round table dedicated to the European standard on effective and proportionate sanctions in the field of labor law, on which occasion the research results were presented.